Top 5 Favorite Red Ribbon Week Ideas

Top 5 favorite Red Ribbon Week ideas include great concepts for kids not only to hear, but ideals to believe in.

Texting kids For Red Ribbon Week, in today’s fast-paced technological world, a great theme for kids is “Text me … Drug Free” with pencils, stickers, and wrist wraps — things they will see everyday to enforce their pledge to live a drug free life.

A Happy Me is Drug Free” is the ultimate slogan because it’s not only a pledge to live drug free, but a rejoicing that they are living drug free and that they’re happier for it.  Red Ribbon Resources created this slogan for water bottles, sling bags, pencils, self stick ribbons, and wide silicone bracelets.

Kids and teens have always been a bit rebellious at times, mostly they oppose the ways ofHappy me their parents in an attempt to find themselves.  And what better Red Ribbon Week slogan for them then “I Like Being me … Staying Drug Free.” For young kids who rebel to find themselves, and do find themselves and choose a drug free life, this statement is so perfect for them — as they became or choose to be drug free all on their own.

There are other kids that are not as rebellious, not as quick to step out in the limelight of their own confidence. So for them everything begins with a pledge. They make it first to themselves and then out loud. And Red Ribbon Week is a great time to shout to the world that “I Pledge to be … Drug Free!

Drug FreeSome kids are simply Too Smart to Start, and that too can be a theme for your celebrations. But if you want to have more of a group involvement, rather than individual pledges, make it a school thing: “We Rule! We’re a Drug Free School.” It’s a powerful message while bringing the school kids together in a single idea.

Whatever idea(s) you celebrate during Red Ribbon Week 2014, the important thing is that you celebrate. Our kids are our greatest treasures and the world’s future citizens and leaders, and we want them all to be superheros with the power to say NO to drugs.

Check out Red Ribbon Resources for more products and ideas.


Originally posted 2013-10-08 14:41:35. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

About Brie Austin

Co-author of I'd Do It Again, he is a columnist/reporter for a variety of magazines in the areas of music, lifestyle, nightlife, travel and business. He also writes business documents and creates copy for websites.

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