Drug Free is a Happy Me

Drug Free is a Happy Me. Drug use continues to be a growing problem in our country. Every day people are slowly killing themselves each time they put a drug inside their bodies. Drugs are a temporary fantasy to becomes a living nightmare; a short-term solution that leads leads to a quicker death. We all die, so why rush the process?

good parenting

Drug Free is a Happy Me

Red Ribbon Resources Drug Free lifeRed Ribbon Week is proud to focus on the the values of a drug-free life, and the number of supporters are starting to grow in an effort to promote a better, healthier way of living.

Join Red Ribbon Week and spread the word and win the war against drugs.

There are many products to support Red Ribbon Week , such as Activity BooksBagsBalloonsBannersBingo GamesBookmarksBooksBraceletsButtonsCrayonsDrug DisplaysDVDsErasersGamesGiveawaysKey RingLanyardMagnetsOutdoor ActivitiesPens and PencilsRibbonsRulersStickersStuffed AnimalsSunglassesWater BottlesWrist Wraps,

There are even gift packs with some small focused campaigns, like the Yes I Can Live Drug Free kit, and larger kits that combine most or all of the products into one affordable goody bag.

Proudly display a no drug symbol with slogans such as “a happy me is drug free,” and “proud to be drug-free.” Get a red ribbon week sticker roll and monkey water drug products that are made to stick out and bring attention to others.



Originally posted 2013-07-11 11:27:04. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

About Brie Austin

Co-author of I'd Do It Again, he is a columnist/reporter for a variety of magazines in the areas of music, lifestyle, nightlife, travel and business. He also writes business documents and creates copy for websites.