Drug Free is a Happy Me. Drug use continues to be a growing problem in our country. Every day people are slowly killing themselves each time they put a drug inside their bodies. Drugs are a temporary fantasy to becomes a living nightmare; a short-term solution that leads leads to a quicker death. We all die, so why rush the process?
Drug Free is a Happy Me
Red Ribbon Week is proud to focus on the the values of a drug-free life, and the number of supporters are starting to grow in an effort to promote a better, healthier way of living.
Join Red Ribbon Week and spread the word and win the war against drugs.
There are many products to support Red Ribbon Week , such as Activity Books, Bags, Balloons, Banners, Bingo Games, Bookmarks, Books, Bracelets, Buttons, Crayons, Drug Displays, DVDs, Erasers, Games, Giveaways, Key Ring, Lanyard, Magnets, Outdoor Activities, Pens and Pencils, Ribbons, Rulers, Stickers, Stuffed Animals, Sunglasses, Water Bottles, Wrist Wraps,
There are even gift packs with some small focused campaigns, like the Yes I Can Live Drug Free kit, and larger kits that combine most or all of the products into one affordable goody bag.
Proudly display a no drug symbol with slogans such as “a happy me is drug free,” and “proud to be drug-free.” Get a red ribbon week sticker roll and monkey water drug products that are made to stick out and bring attention to others.
Originally posted 2013-07-11 11:27:04. Republished by Blog Post Promoter